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iOS 14 lets you stack multiple widgets to keep your Home screen clean Available this fall, the massive update brings a plethora of new features, including long-awaited Home screen widgets, picture-in-picture support, a new App Library, and more. Overall, this update brings a couple of nice additions and is a nice evolution. Maybe you’re already […]
Apple Offers Peek at Its AI Language Model as iOS 18 Looms It is a comprehensive data platform that provides functionalities for big data processing and machine learning analysis through its MLLIB library. JavaScript is the most widely used language to improve web development. Developers who are new to data science and machine learning prefer […]
AI is consolidating corporate power in higher ed opinion In multiple ways, it is actually driving organizations to start thinking about categorization, access controls, governance. All these things have started happening now to do this because this is very complex. Meta also outperformed expectations with its Wednesday afternoon earnings report, posting $40.5 billion in revenues, […]